Anchorage Assembly Approves Revised HOME Initiative

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June 26, 2024
During last night’s Regular Assembly Meeting, the Anchorage Assembly voted (7-5) to approve AO 2023-87(S-1), As Amended, to adopt the “Housing Opportunities in the Municipality for Everyone” or “HOME” Initiative to allow duplexes in all Anchorage residential zones, effectively eliminating single family zoning in the Anchorage Bowl. The change to Title 21 – Land Use does not apply to Eagle River, Chugiak or Girdwood.
Sponsored by Assembly Vice Chair Meg Zaletel with Assembly Members Anna Brawley and Daniel Volland, the (S-1) version was published on June 17, 2024 to reflect feedback received through the Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) public process. The approved ordinance scaled down the original proposal to consolidate residential zones to focus on a single policy objective: allowing more types of housing in Anchorage’s single-family neighborhoods.
“I’m betting on Anchorage with the HOME Initiative because it creates real possibilities for the residents of Anchorage to work on the housing crisis themselves,” said Assembly Vice Chair Meg Zaletel to begin the debate. “Doing nothing changes nothing. Passing HOME opens possibility and says to our community, we hear you, we see you and we’re trying with everything we’ve got to relieve this housing crisis.”
The Assembly adopted the Housing Action Plan (AR 2023-433) in December 2023, identifying actions toward realizing a vision for Anchorage where there is “affordable, abundant and diverse housing opportunities, so everyone who wants to live here can find a home that fits their needs and preferences.” In an effort to remove barriers to infill and new construction, the Housing Action Plan calls for the reduction of regulations in zoning code for attached housing types.  
“The HOME Initiative is about creating conditions in Anchorage that are favorable to new housing,” said Assembly Member Daniel Volland during the debate, “and at the same time, creating the potential for owner-builders and owner-occupants. We heard from many people tonight who live in duplexes to break into the housing market with supplemental income. That’s their path to home ownership, and I think we’ll see more.”
An amendment was approved to require administrative site plan review for two-family construction in the R-10 Zone, a zone intended for areas with environmental factors including slopes, alpine and forest vegetation, and geologic hazards.
“The HOME Initiative has been shaped by the public process,” added Assembly Member Anna Brawley, “and builds from our community’s adopted plans. Anchorage has a persistent disconnect between the intent of the plans we pass, and how to actually achieve those plans. I’m proud that, tonight, we took action to finally move the needle.”
About HOME
AO 2023-87, or the “Housing Opportunities in the Municipality for Everyone (HOME) Initiative,” was introduced in August 2023 and referred to the Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC). PZC considered the proposal over the course of three commission meetings and two public worksessions. The initiative excludes Girdwood and Chugiak/Eagle River, communities with separate chapters of zoning code whose land use is not determined by the 2040 LUP.​
More information about the HOME Initiative, including legislative history, FAQs, and public engagement plan, is available to online:


Meg Zaletel | Assembly Vice Chair
District 4, Midtown Anchorage

Daniel Volland | Assembly Member
District 1, North Anchorage

Anna Brawley | Assembly Member
District 3, West Anchorage