In August, discover Anchorage's vibrant young professional community! Join us to learn about the diverse organizations shaping our city and connect with like-minded individuals. Enjoy brief overviews from partner organizations: Alaska Native Professionals Association (ANPA), NexGen, Velocity, and the American Cancer Society's Associate Board of Ambassadors (ABOA). Afterward, mingle and expand your professional network over light appetizers and no-host bar.
Thank you to our sponsors, The Bridge Co. and Orthopedic Physicians Alaska.
Please note, that this event will replace our regular monthly meeting, and will take place at The Bridge Co.
The Young Professionals Group ( is made up of business professionals and corporate leaders between the ages of 21-39 who are ready to make a positive impact on the greater community of Anchorage. This group is open to all Anchorage Chamber members and non-members of all ages.