Financial insecurity often builds over time. Bills add up. Costs increase. Unexpected expenses appear. Emergencies occur. When ongoing hardships are combined, Alaskans’ heating service may be jeopardized. Turn up the heat on cold homes by supporting Walk for Warmth.
We’re aiming to raise $5,000 from individual donors. Combining this amount with a $10,000 donation from ENSTAR Natural Gas Company and a $5,000 donation from First National Bank Alaska allow us to cover one-month’s heating bill for about 85 Anchorage homes.
Co-hosted and sponsored by ENSTAR, Walk for Warmth is on Sat., Feb. 15, 2025. Registration is free. This event raises awareness and funds for households that struggle to pay their heating bills. As we get closer to the event, we’ll add more information here.
Difficulties mount when heating services cease. Cold homes cause health problems. People edge toward more vulnerabilities. They may stop receiving other services, lose their jobs and experience homelessness. Walk for Warmth makes a difference in Alaskans’ lives.