Our hosts, Fox Hollow Golf Course, will be Driving it Home with us on June 7th, from 3-9pm. The Golf Scramble will be followed by a celebratory awards banquet, open to participants and their friends. This event is open to all of our fantastic volunteers, donors, and corporate partners, but space is limited! Gather your teams now and sign up for a fun Friday afternoon with us while supporting the Habitat mission. Our goal is to raise $100,000 to sponsor a new build. Donors like you are vital when it comes to building affordable housing and serving more families in need. I invite you to review the sponsorship package attached. You may be a sponsor as an individual or organization. The categories listed are the core sponsorship offers, but I am happy to discuss formatting a package to fit the needs of the sponsor. To register for a sponsorship anytime online, go to habitatanchorage.org